12th to 13th October 2011
Kloster Und, Krems
12th to 13th October 2011
Kloster Und, Krems
The third international conference on evidence-based health promotion and prevention, EUFEP, will be held from October 12 – 13, 2011. The event will take place in Kloster Und, in Krems on the Danube, in the heart of the Wachau valley.
The program will focus on cancer prevention and will deal with the question “Cancer Prevention – Missed Opportunities or Empty Promises?”
The EUFEP target group comprises all decision makers in the health system, doctors, health-policy makers, health scientists, and all those interested in cancer prevention. The event is open to all professions.
The conference will again offer a workshop for journalists, which aims at explaining in detail what evidence-based cancer prevention is all about.
Participants will have the opportunity to gain and/or expand their knowledge on evidence-based cancer prevention and will get an insight into country-specific and global approaches.
Cancer prevention - Missed opportunities or empty promises?
This year’s program focuses on cancer prevention. More than 3 million new cases and 1.7 million deaths every year make cancer the second-most frequent cause of mortality and morbidity in Europe. In Austria, about 36,000 people fall ill with cancer every year. Against this backdrop, cancer prevention is gaining in importance and has become a significant economic area within the medical sector. It is above all early cancer detection tests (cancer screening) that play a vital role in modern preventative medicine. From a scientific point of view, the benefits of cancer prevention are controversial. Studies prove that cancer prevention may sometimes do more harm than good.
In the 21st century, evidence-based cancer prevention is facing two challenges: on the one hand, measures clearly promising to reduce cancer risk are only accepted by a minority of the population – on the other hand, interventions leading to over-diagnosis and unnecessary treatments are advertised and carried out and do more harm than good.
This is why this year’s EUFEP program is all about cancer prevention and will deal with the question “Cancer Prevention – Missed Opportunities or Empty Promises?” Participants will have the opportunity to gain and/or expand their knowledge on evidence-based cancer prevention and will get an insight into country-specific and global approaches.
2011 EUFEP conference topics:
The presentations will be held in German and/or English.
Simultaneous interpretation of presentations and discussions will be available.
09:00 - 09:30 |
| Opening: Welcome |
09:30 – 11:00 |
| Plenum I: The burden of disease and international strategies to fight cancer |
| Moderation: Prof. Dr. Gerald Gartlehner, MPH | |
| 1. Dr. Rolando Herrero, MD, PhD, Prevention and Implementation Group Early Detection and Prevention Section International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organisation, Lyon, Frankreich | |
| 2. Dr.in Marjetka Jelenc, MD, PhD, National Institute of Public Health, Ljubljana, Slowenien | |
| 3. Dr.in Michaela Girgenrath, Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, Deutschland | |
| Forum: Discussion with all participants of the plenum and audience | |
11:00 – 11:30 |
| Break |
11:30 – 12:45 |
| Session 1a: Topic: Konfrontation – Prostatakarzinom Screening |
| Moderation: Prim Dr. Johannes Püspök | |
| 1. Primar Dr. Wolfgang Loidl, Barmherzige Schwestern, Linz, Austria | |
| 2. PD Dr. Stefan Lange, IQWIG, Köln, Germany | |
| Session 1b: Praktische Herausforderungen bei der Erstellung evidenzbasierter Leitlinien | |
| 1. Mag.a Karin Eger, Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse, Abteilung Gesundheitspolitik und Prävention, Austria | |
| 2. Prof.in Dr.in Beate Wimmer Puchinger, Wiener Frauengesundheitsbeauftragte, Austria | |
12:45 – 14:15 |
| Lunch |
14:15 – 15:30 |
| Session 2a: Konfrontation – Mammographiescreening |
| Moderation: Martin Sprenger, MD, MPH | |
| 1. Karsten Juhl Jørgensen, The Nordic Cochrane Centre, Kopenhagen, Dänemark | |
| 2. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Buchberger, TILAK, Innsbruck, Österreich | |
| Session 2b: Clinical Prevention: Bewegung und Krebsprävention | |
| Moderation: Prof. Dr. Norbert Bachl | |
| 1. DIin Dr.in Barbara Wessner, PhD, Center for Sports, Sciences and University Sports, University of Vienna, Austria | |
| 2. Univ. Doz. Dr. Günther Neumayr, Praxis Univ. Doz. Dr. Neumayr, Innere Medizin/Kardiologie/ Sportmedizin, Lienz, Austria | |
15:30 – 16:00 |
| Break |
16:00 – 17:15 |
| Session 3a: Dickdarmkrebsscreening |
| Moderation: Dr.in Kylie Thaler, MPH | |
| 1. Prof.in Nea Malila, PhD, University of Tampere, Tampere School of Public Health, Finnland | |
| 2. Prof. Dr. Hermann Brenner, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany | |
| Session 3b: Evaluation von Krebspräventionsprogrammen | |
| Moderation: Mag. Ludwig Grillich | |
| 1. Geoffrey Fong, PhD, University of Wateloo, Canada | |
| 2. Prof. François Alla, MD, PhD, Public health school, Universität Nancy, France | |
15:30 – 18:00 |
| Workshop for Journalists |
ab 19:00 |
| Evening Event |
09:15 – 10:45 |
| Plenum II: Cancer Screening: Sense and Persuasion? |
| Moderation: Stefan Löffler | |
| 1. Prof. Dr. James Dillard, Pennsylvania State University, USA | |
| 2. Dr. Eldon Spackman, PhD, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, UK | |
| 3. Sue Ziebland, BA (Hons) MSc, University Reader in Qualitativer Health Research, University of Oxford, UK | |
| Forum: Discussion with all participants of the plenum and audience | |
10:45 – 11:15 |
| Break |
11:15 – 12:30 |
| Session 4a: Decision Aids |
| Moderation: Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Èva Ràsky | |
| 1. Dr.in Brigitte Piso, MPH, Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Health Technology Assessment | |
| 2. Dr.in phil. Britta Lang, MSc, German Cochrane Centre, senior researcher | |
| Session 4b: Gesundheitsökonomie | |
| Moderation: Mag. Klaus Schuster, MSc, MBA | |
| 1. Dr. Lesley Rushton, School of Public Health, London, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, UK | |
| 2. PD Dr. Matthias Schwenkglenks, MPH, Institute of Parmaceutical Medicine, University of Basel und Institute of Social und Preventive Medicine, University of Zürich, Switzerland | |
12:30 – 14:15 |
| Lunch Break |
13:15 – 14:15 |
| Presentation of Posters (SL, MS) |
| Session 5: Vermeidbare Risikofaktoren | |
| Moderation: Dr.in Anna Glechner | |
| 1. Dr.in med. Kathryn Hoffmann, MD, MPH, Medical University of Vienna, Austria | |
| 2. OA Assoz.-Prof. Priv-Doz. DI rer nat tech. Dr. med. univ. Hans-Peter Hutter, Institut für Umwelthygiene, Universität Wien, Wien, Austria | |
| Session 5b: Konsumenteninformation | |
| Moderation: Ingeborg Beunders, MAS, MBA | |
| 1. Dr.in Anke Steckelberg, University of Hamburg, Germany | |
| 2. Hazel Thornton, Hon. DSc, Honorary Visiting Fellow, Universität Leicester, UK | |
15:30 – 16:00 |
| Kaffeepause |
16:00 – 17:15 |
| Session 6: Multiorgan Screening |
| Moderation: Dr. Franz Piribauer, MPH | |
| 1. Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Dipl.-Phys. Wolfgang Luboldt, MD, MSc, Multiorgan Screening Foundation, Munch, Germany | |
| 2. Dr. Klaus Koch, IQWIG, Cologne, Germany | |
| Session 6b: Krebs und Ernährung | |
| Moderation: Mag.a Christina Kien | |
| 1. Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kaaks, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany | |
| 2. Dipl.-Oecotroph.in Nadine Wagner, Institut für Ernährungspsychologie, Universität Göttlingen, Germany | |
17:15 |
| Farewell - End of Congress |
Numerous renowned national and interational experts were invited to the EUFEP Congress 2011 in Krems to present their experiences and ideas.
ALLA François
EGER Karin
FONG Geoffrey
HUTTER Hans-Peter
JELENC Marjetka
JØRGENSEN Karsten Juhl
KAAKS Rudolf
KOCH Klaus
LANG Britta
LANGE Stefan
LUBOLDT Wolfgang
PISO Brigitte
POSCH Waltraud
Kloster Und
Kloster UND in Krems boasts of 400 years of history. Today, the historical venue offers pleasure, life-style, art and culture. The unique location is an event in itself: The Moerwald Kloster UND restaurant, the Noitz wine store, and the impressive church nave offer excellent premises for various events. For further information on Kloster UND please refer to www.klosterund.at.
Krems, Wachau Danube valley
The stunning Wachau valley (World Cultural Heritage) will set the stage for a memorable evening. Further information will be published in the main program.